Alexander Ruvinsky, PT, MSPT


Physical Therapist

“As a physical therapist, I pride myself on my ability not simply to treat the symptom, but to find the root cause that is driving the injury. I strive to give my patients the tools and education necessary to recover and minimize future recurrence.”

Alex is a licensed physical therapist in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. He has more than 25 years of experience working in outpatient orthopedics, sports, and manual therapy, treating a wide variety of surgical and non-surgical diagnoses.

Alex graduated from the New York University School of Physical Therapy and received his advanced master’s degree in orthopedics and manual therapy from Touro University. He is McKenzie certified and is a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist.

Outside of work, he is an avid traveler, foodie, and pickleball player.