Lesser-Known Spring Allergy Symptoms

The highly anticipated warmer days of spring are finally here. As we begin to store away winter layers and enjoy the longer, brighter days ahead, many are simultaneously struck with the reality of once again needing to combat seasonal allergies. You are likely familiar with spring allergy symptoms, like sneezing, itchy eyes, sore throats, and runny noses, but did you know that there are lesser-known allergic symptoms that can wreak havoc on your body?


What causes allergies?

An allergic reaction is triggered when your immune system recognizes pollen as a foreign and dangerous substance. In response, your body releases histamines into your bloodstream, triggering an inflammatory immune response.

Some individuals are especially reactive, experiencing severe symptoms like asthma attacks or difficulty breathing. Lesser known, but equally detrimental symptoms include headaches, eczema flare ups, and fatigue.

So, how do you identify these less familiar symptoms as reactions to common spring irritants? We’ve outlined a few key indicators, along with suggestions to keep your allergy symptoms at bay this spring season.



When paired with nasal symptoms, headaches are a typical seasonal allergy complaint. You may not realize that isolated headaches, without the associated sneezing and runny nose, are also prompted by airborne allergens. Be particularly alert for any frontal (forehead) headaches as they are also a sign of seasonal allergies.


Eczema flare-ups

This condition is a result of the skin’s protective layer being abnormally vulnerable to external irritants, often causing itchy, dry skin and a rash that when scratched, can become inflamed and may even spread.

Hypoallergenic cleansing followed by intensive, hypoallergenic moisturizing is recommended for bolstering the skin’s protective layer and getting relief. When active, the rash may need treatment with prescription medications. People with this condition need to seek management of their allergy symptoms. We suggest discussing a skincare regimen with your dermatologist.



Fatigue can occur when poorly controlled allergies lead to inadequate sleep quality or quantity. For certain people fatigue can be severe, leading to behavioral issues. We know that even one restless night’s sleep can make any of us irritated, but a few consecutive nights can become an issue! Addressing the environmental triggers that impede restful sleep can help alleviate this issue.


Control pollen and get relief

If your allergies have been acting up, we advise checking the local pollen counts at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology or pollen.com. You may need to avoid outdoor activities when pollen levels are high. If that is unavoidable, we’ve listed a few tips to help control pollen and provide relief.

  • For stuffy or runny noses, use nasal corticosteroid sprays as needed
  • To prevent allergy symptoms, take antihistamine tablets
  • Keep windows closed
  • Use an air purifier or if possible, central air conditioning with a certified asthma & allergy friendly HVAC filter or air purifier
  • Remove your shoes before entering your home
  • Take a shower and shampoo your hair before bed
  • Change and wash your clothes after being outdoors
  • Clean pollen off pets with a towel before they come inside
  • Wash bedding in hot, soapy water once a week
  • Use a nasal rinse to flush out inhaled pollen out of your nose


Concierge medical care at The Health Center at Hudson Yards

If you start to notice new or worsening allergy symptoms, it may be time to consult a provider to discuss treatment options, medications, or lifestyle changes to help reduce your symptoms or keep them under control.

To schedule your next in-person or virtual appointment, members can contact our Personal Health Navigators by chat through the member portal or by calling 646.819.5100.