Warm Up Before You Tee Off

Shraddha Bhatia, PT, DPT, OCS, Director of Physical Therapy at The Health Center at Hudson Yards recommends warming up before engaging in physical activity. Even though golf is a seemingly upper-body dominant sport, Dr. Bhatia recommends warming up both the upper and lower body before taking on an 18-hole round.

Watch to see an example of a simple warm-up exercise that you can practice before you tee off to help avoid injury.


The Shoulder Diagonal Warm-Up



For this warm-up example, you will need an open-ended resistance band.

Step 1. Start in a stance with your feet a bit wider than your shoulders.

Step 2: Step on top of your open resistance band, keeping the same stance to anchor the band in place.

Step 3. Grasp the end of the band and pull it from right hip to your left shoulder, ensuring that you are shifting your body weight from your left hip to your right hip as you move. The movement should look as if you are pulling out a sword.

Step 4. Complete 3 sets of 10.

Step 5. Repeat on the other side.


If you have questions or need assistance scheduling care, our Personal Health Navigators are available by chat in the Health Center at Hudson Yards iOS or Android app or by calling 646.819.5100.


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